No Privacy Panel
A Ramada can be as open or as private as the designer can imagine. If a little or a lot of privacy is desired the possibilities are nearly endless. We offer everything from privacy panels, walls, to railings—either solid or lattice. If you cannot find exactly what you are looking for a Project Adviser will work with you to make exactly what you want a reality.

Feel free to choose a different wall style for each wall! Rectangular structures give you two shorter and two longer sides; a variety that invites unique customization! You will need to choose a privacy option (or none) for each of the three of the four sides of the Ramada. Be sure to leave the fourth side open to make sure you can get in and out. On each side, labeled Side A, Side B, and Side C, simply select what kind of design you want to fill that space.

For an open air look, with limitless entrances and full views, chose to leave a side or more completely free to take the breeze!

If you order any of our privacy panels be sure to discuss in detail the size of the panels desired as they will be sent pre-assembled to standard dimensions unless specified otherwise. To accommodate all unique requests we offer the privacy panels in a knocked down version that will give the ability to cut and assemble them to fit.
Other Privacy Panel - Long Side B Options

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